Term Dates

Our Term and Holiday Dates can be found on the attachments below


There is no request from the local council to use our school as a polling station this year therefore, school will be open


Pupils who will start in Nursery and Reception classes at Warren Wood will have the same term dates as the rest of the school. However, there will be flexible induction dates that we will discuss directly with parents and carers as their child is welcomed to school.

Please be reminded that, in accordance with local and national guidelines, holidays cannot be authorised during term time.  School takes a very proactive approach to attendance and punctuality and will issue letters to remind you if your child’s attendance falls below nationally acceptable guidelines.  Removing your child for family holidays during term time could result in fines being issued by the local authority. 

During May, Year 2 and Year 6 pupils have traditionally taken statutory assessment tests. Whilst Year 2 tests are suggested as optional from next year (at the time of writing – this may be subject to change), Year 6 tests are statutory. We respectfully ask that it is essential that children are in school during these periods. Pupils in Year 1 undertake Phonics screening during June along with Y4 pupils taking their statutory Times Tables tests too. It is also essential that pupils do not miss school at all, where possible.

If you have any further questions relating to holidays, leave of absence or sickness, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

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Warren WoodPrimary School

Turnstone Road, Offerton, Stockport SK2 5XU

School Office | 0161 456 8171
